Implantology - Dentistry Books by Edra Publishing

The most interesting and best seller books in implants, implantology, and surgery techniques. This collection aims to help the professional and the student to understand and improves the knowledge of Implantology in dentistry.

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Fixed prosthesis with vertical margin closure - Book Details - Dentistry Book - Ezio Bruna - Andrea Fabianelli Fixed prosthesis with vertical margin closure - Book Details - Dentistry Book - Ezio Bruna - Andrea Fabianelli

Fixed prosthesis with...

Price CAD 210.00

The common idea that edentulism can always be solved with implants is questioned in this book given that the most recent literature highlights the higher risk of implant prosthodontics than traditional conventional toothborne prosthodontics. This book represents a procedural guide to the fabrication of full veneer crowns with vertical margin design. The preparation of the natural tooth as a prosthetic pillar is certainly a “traditional” procedure that is still one of the most common activities that dentists perform today and the so-called “vertical” preparation is given full credit in this book.

Bone, Biomaterials & Beyond - Book Cover - Dentistry Book - Antonio Barone - Ulf Nannmark Bone, Biomaterials & Beyond - Book Cover - Dentistry Book - Antonio Barone - Ulf Nannmark

Bone, Biomaterials &...

Price CAD 97.00

The introduction of osseointegrated dental implants soon 50 years ago has indeed revolutionized dentistry. The scientific evaluation of their use has shown good and increasingly successful treatment outcomes. A prerequisite though is the availability of sufficient bone volumes to ensure integration and acceptable aesthetic results. In this book various surgical techniques, using different augmentation materials, are described and explained. The aim has been to highlight minimally invasive surgical techniques, which leads to less risk of morbidity and reduces treatment time. Readers will enjoy a comprehensive atlas providing some practical advice for everyday surgical practice based on solid scientific evidence.

Bone regeneration in implantology: tooth as a graft - Dentistry book - cover book - Flavio Pisani - Elio Minetti Bone regeneration in implantology: tooth as a graft - Dentistry book - cover book - Flavio Pisani - Elio Minetti

Bone regeneration in...

Price CAD 131.00

Grafting materials must be safe, biocompatible and able to guarantee lasting results. Among the fundamental features of the ideal material is the ability to promote bone regeneration. The autologous tooth is a very promising candidate because it allows osteoinduction and its maintenance after the treatment. After examining the current scientific evidence and studies carried out at the Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy), The tooth as a graft provides an overview of all the aspects of bone regeneration and the various devices available on the market are presented and compared, their use explained step-by-step, from cleaning the tooth to the grinding, to the treatment of the material before grafting.



Price CAD 171.12

Any discussion of digital dentistry nowadays means talking about an ecosystem that is set to replace the traditional way of working in every area: production processes, time management, and relationships with other professionals.

A Smile Where There Was... A Smile Where There Was...

A Smile Where There...

Price CAD 197.00

Discover the world of fixed full-arch implant dentistry through the expertise of Dr. Christian Yaste in his groundbreaking book, "A Smile Where There Was None." 

This guide delves into Dr. Yaste’s extensive experience with over 400 successful implant cases, offering invaluable insights for clinicians. Over seven years, Dr. Yaste has meticulously explored and applied various full-arch stackable surgical guide systems, refining a process that ensures effective and efficient treatment. 

This book is an indispensable resource for general dentists seeking to enhance their practice in fixed full-arch implant rehabilitation.